Two weeks ago (I know...and I'm just now posting?!?!) Mitch and I went up to my grandpa and Marihelen's house to celebrate my sister's birthday, Mother's Day, and my Aunt LeAnne and Uncle Alan's wedding anniversary. I was completely exhausted from a long week of teaching 5th grade and completing college assignments so I was relaxing inside the house. Everyone else was outside on the deck visiting. My dad called me outside because he wanted to take some family pictures. I went outside to do that and then turned around to go back inside the house. Before I made it to the door, Mitch came over to me and kissed me and told me he loved me. I kissed him back and told him I loved him too. Then he bent down and told me that that he couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with me. Nothing had clicked yet with me. Then the next thing I know he is down on his knee asking me to marry him. I started bawling and of course....I said yes!